Which of the Following Type of Program Can Help Reduce Workers' Compensation Claims?


This guide is to help you sympathize what to practise and what to expect when your worker is injured.

It outlines your obligations under workers compensation legislation, and provides practical advice to help get the best possible consequence for your worker and you. It too explains the roles of the people in your worker's support team, including y'all, the insurer, approved workplace rehabilitation providers, doctors and centrolineal health providers.

Most injured workers take trivial or no fourth dimension off work. For those that do, the vast majority
(more than 80 per cent) return to and recover at work inside the outset xiii weeks.

Advice and direction in this guide is based on a potent body of enquiry and evidence about the health benefits of work. Information technology explains how returning to and where possible, recovering at work afterwards an injury can promote healing and facilitate recovery.

The guide volition help you lot place suitable work options to support your worker to recover at work. Information technology outlines actions you lot can take, including support programs, if the worker is not recovering as expected.

Please note, this guide does not encompass injury prevention. For information on your work, health and safety obligations, visit the SafeWork NSW website.

Workers compensation in NSW

The State Insurance Regulatory Authorization (SIRA) is the government arrangement responsible for regulating the NSW workers compensation system. SIRA causeless the insurance regulatory functions of WorkCover on one September 2015. SafeWork NSW is the regulator for workplace health and safety in NSW.

There are iii types of insurers in the NSW workers compensation system:

1. icare

icare (insurance and intendance NSW) is a regime organisation that delivers insurance and care services to people with work related injuries under the NSW workers compensation scheme (known every bit the Nominal Insurer) and the NSW Self Insurance Corporation (known equally SICorp).

The Nominal Insurer is the single largest workers bounty insurer in NSW and provides workers compensation insurance to most businesses within NSW. The Nominal Insurer contracts insurance agents to manage policies and claims on its behalf.

The 3 canonical agents are:

  • Employers Mutual NSW Limited
  • Allianz Australia Worker's Compensation (NSW) Limited
  • GIO General Limited.

SICorp provides workers compensation insurance to virtually public sector employers except those who are self-insurers. SICorp contracts insurance agents to manage policies and claims on its behalf.

The three canonical agents for SICorp are:

  • Allianz Commonwealth of australia Insurance Limited
  • Employers Mutual Limited
  • QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited (QBE).

2. Self-insurers

Cocky-insurers are employers approved by SIRA to manage their own workers compensation claims.

3. Specialised insurers

Specialised insurers agree a restricted licence to provide workers compensation insurance for a specific manufacture or class of concern or employers.

Regardless of which type of insurer is involved, they all have an obligation to support employers and their workers during the recovery process and manage the merits to ensure entitlements are received.

Your obligations

Under NSW workers bounty legislation every employer is required to:

  • have workers compensation insurance1
  • display a summary of the deed that details how a worker notifies an injury and how they may make a claim. The If y'all go injured at work affiche can help run into this obligation
  • notify workers of your documented return to work program describing the steps you will take if a worker is injured
  • maintain a tape of work-related injuries
  • notify your insurer of all workplace injuries inside 48 hours
  • participate in the evolution of the worker's injury direction plan, written past your insurer, and comply with your obligations inside information technology
  • provide suitable work (as far as reasonably practicable) when a worker is able to return to work, either on a total-time or part-time basis2
  • provide suitable work that is (as far every bit reasonably practicable) the same as or equivalent to the work being performed at the fourth dimension of the injuryii.

Section 248 of the Workers Compensation Act 1987 states:

An employer must not dismiss a worker considering of a work-related injury within 6 months from when the worker offset became unfit as a result of the injury.

The evidence for recovering at work

Research shows that:

  • for virtually people with a work-related injury, time off piece of work is not medically necessary
  • an unnecessary filibuster in returning to work is often associated with delayed recovery - the longer a worker is abroad from piece of work, the less chance they have of e'er returning
  • staying active after injury reduces hurting symptoms and helps workers return to their usual activities at home and at work sooner
  • working helps workers stay active which is an important part of their handling and rehabilitation.

The benefits to your business

Helping your worker to recover at work may reduce the financial touch on on your business concern. It also helps you lot:

  • maintain the skills and cognition of an experienced worker
  • reduce the toll of training a replacement worker
  • maintain adept employer-employee relationships
  • demonstrate to all workers, that they are valued employees
  • reduce the length of fourth dimension your employees are abroad from work
  • avoid the cost of hiring new staff.

The post-obit four steps explain the workers compensation process and your office as the employer.

Step ane. Responding to an incident

If a worker receives a piece of work-related injury there are specific obligations you every bit an employer are required to fulfil.

Providing offset aid

If your worker becomes injured or ill at work, provide immediate starting time aid (where appropriate) and seek medical treatment (if required).

Reporting the injury

Your worker must notify y'all every bit soon as possible later on an injury. A clarification of the injury is to be entered in your register of injuries.

Report the injury to your insurer within 48 hours of being notified. Your worker, you or your representative can make the initial notification to the insurer electronically, in writing or by telephone.

If you do not report the injury within five calendar days, you may pay a 'claims excess payment' which is equivalent to i week of the worker's weekly bounty payments.

When reporting an injury you will be asked to provide the following information:

  1. The worker'southward name, address, contact number and date of nascency.
  2. Proper name and address of your company.
  3. Proper name of the treating doctor and contact telephone number or name of the hospital.
  4. Date and clarification of the injury and details of how it happened.
  5. Name and contact details of the person making the notification and their relationship to the worker or employer.
  6. Details of any fourth dimension off work.
  7. The following information, if available, should also be provided at the time of notification:

  8. Date of the consultation with the medico and a diagnosis as well as a copy of the NSW workers compensation document of capacity.
  9. Your worker's capacity to recover at work and expected return to work date.
  10. Your ability to support your worker to recover at work in suitable employment.
  11. Your worker's pre-injury average weekly earnings (PIAWE).

Once reported, the insurer will provide y'all with a reference number. Make a note of it as you lot may need to track the notification in the hereafter.

A notifiable incident

If the injury or disease was the result of a 'notifiable incident' you must notify SafeWork NSW on 13 x 50 immediately.

A notifiable incident is a:

  • death
  • serious injury or affliction
  • unsafe incident.

Additional data nearly notifiable incidents is available in our What to do first section or larn more well-nigh the penalties for noncompliance here.

Pace 2. Supporting your worker

Agreement your worker'south state of affairs and offering support at the fourth dimension of injury and throughout the recovery process will accept a positive impact on your worker's response to their injury and enable successful recovery at piece of work.

You or your worker's manager can provide a supportive and positive environment in the following means:

Discourage arraign

Workers compensation is a 'no-fault' system in NSW. Explore ways to forbid future injuries and focus on helping the worker to recover. This volition help build cohesive relationships.

Ask advisable co-workers to stay in bear on

Encourage your worker's colleagues to phone, email, visit or text. If they are reluctant considering they feel they don't know what to say to the worker, reassure them that positive and considerate contact volition help them recover. A quick chat about some full general news from the workplace or other topics of interest sends a positive message to the worker.

Address and resolve outstanding problems

A worker's recovery tin can exist influenced by other issues within the workplace (such as conflict with a co-worker) or at home (such every bit transport difficulties). These can be barriers to returning to work.

See the 'Step 3: Identifying duties' section for information about cultural, psychological and social take a chance factors that may affect recovery and return to work outcomes.

Advise your worker of their obligations

Let your worker know early what you volition exercise to assistance their recovery at work. Consider discussing reasonable expectations around the level of their interest throughout the recover at work process. See 'Other people involved' below for the worker's obligations.

Early contact with the doctor

A worker who is away for more than 7 consecutive days as a result of a work related injury or illness, must choose their preferred medico (also referred to as the nominated treating medico). Even if you take a preferred md or a medical practise located nearby, encourage your worker to make their own determination well-nigh where they wish to receive their treatment. Most workers choose their family unit doctor.

Early contact with the doc demonstrates your delivery to your worker'southward recovery. Information technology also gives you lot an opportunity to talk over your worker'south normal duties and the availability of other duties.

If you are unable to speak immediately with the doctor, enquire the receptionist for the best way and time to do this. Leave your details and make certain you are easily contactable.

Consider sending an email or fax to the physician with information well-nigh the nature of your business, availability of duties and your contact details.

NSW workers compensation certificate of capacity

The certificate of capacity is the main way in which the dr. communicates with the worker'south support team. It is a standard course that a doctor must consummate. It replaces the quondam medical certificate.

The recommendations contained in the certificate will assistance your worker recover at piece of work sooner. Y'all are entitled to inquire questions of the doctor and analyze the information in the document.

Questions y'all may enquire include:

  • what can the worker do?
  • how long do you expect the worker to take to return to their normal duties?
  • can the worker drive or employ public ship?
  • what tin can I practise to assistance the worker recover at piece of work?
  • how can I best communicate with y'all about the worker's progress?

Seeking your worker's permission

When your worker signs the certificate of capacity they authorise the physician to provide relevant information about their injury or illness to you lot and the insurer.

If you desire to contact the doctor earlier receiving your copy of the document (such as during the worker's outset consultation) to show your support and discuss suitable work, you will need permission from your worker showtime.

Arranging a case conference

A case briefing is a meeting that can include the nominated treating doctor, insurer, workplace rehabilitation provider (where applicable), the worker and you lot, their employer. They are separate to your worker's scheduled medical review and tin can occur whatsoever time throughout the claim.

Case conferences tin can be used to prepare goals, ensure roles and responsibilities are understood, and concur on timeframes to recover at/return to work.

Meeting with your worker and their doctor tin help in the overall direction of your worker's injury. You should encourage your worker to participate in these case conferences.

Other people involved

Your worker's safety and timely recovery at/return to piece of work is a squad effort involving open, regular and caring communication. That's why they have a back up squad.

The team includes the insurer instance manager, physician, a workplace rehabilitation provider (if required) and you. Each member has an important part to play in your worker's recovery. These are outlined below.

Your worker'south role

Your worker'due south primary function is to focus on recovery and aim to stay at work in some capacity, or return to piece of work every bit shortly as possible. Your worker must find a dr. to act as their nominated treating doctor (this is oftentimes the worker'due south usual full general practitioner).

The insurer case manager's role

Your insurer appoints a case managing director who coordinates all aspects of your worker's claim and is the primary contact for the support team. Their goal is to ensure your worker tin can return to their usual work in a timely mode with minimal disruption to your business.

The medico's role

The nominated treating medico will assess, diagnose and treat your worker like any other patient. Within the workers compensation system, they will besides assess your worker's capacity and support their recovery at work.

The workplace rehabilitation provider'southward role

The approved workplace rehabilitation provider can help you and your worker resolve problems associated with the recover at/return to work procedure.

Workplace rehabilitation providers are health professionals who can address the concrete, functional, psychological and/or workplace barriers that may impact a worker recovering at/returning to work.

The insurer will consult with you and your worker to place and suit referral to an approved workplace rehabilitation provider in your local expanse.

Your function

You are required to provide suitable work (where reasonably practicable) that matches your worker's capacity and supports their recovery.

The greater your ability to accommodate your worker, the less likely they demand time away from the workplace.

You lot may also consider:

  • providing your worker with information about workers bounty and recover at work procedures
  • collaborating with your worker to identify suitable work options
  • providing information to the support team about the workplace, the worker's usual job and available brusque term suitable work options
  • developing a recover at work plan that describes how you will support your worker
  • building a stiff relationship with your case manager who can provide help throughout your worker's recovery
  • showing your commitment to your worker's recovery past:
    • regularly contacting the instance manager and requesting involvement in meetings nearly your worker's progress
    • providing relevant information to help the example managing director make off-white and timely decisions, for example providing pre-injury boilerplate weekly earnings details.

If you have a render to work coordinator, they will assist you with these responsibilities.

Step 3. Identifying duties

Nether the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 you are required to provide employment that is both suitable and, as far as reasonably practicable, the same as or equivalent to the employment the worker was in at the time of the injury3.

If you cannot provide or identify suitable work, your insurer tin help you with other options.

Setting your worker's recover at work goal

Recover at work simply means helping a worker remain in the workplace in some way, and then they can use piece of work to build and meliorate their capacity following an injury.

When identifying suitable work options for your worker, the goal of returning your worker to the same job every bit at the time of injury is preferable. Sometimes, due to the nature of the injury or other circumstances this is non possible. In these situations, the goal reflecting the most straight path back to work is recommended.

When you set this goal, take into consideration the dr.'s interpretation of your worker's capacity for work. You lot can find this information in the NSW workers bounty certificate of capacity.

Identifying suitable work options

To identify suitable work options you may:

  • familiarise yourself with your worker'south pre-injury office
  • discuss work options and available duties with your worker
  • speak to your worker's supervisor or immediate manager and ask for suggestions about how to organise duties to fit current piece of work routines and schedules
  • review all the jobs your business has bachelor and look at how they may align with your worker's skill fix
  • review the capacity of your worker as described on their certificate of capacity
  • provide work that has been 'put on the back burner' or any good ideas you haven't had fourth dimension to implement
  • decide who else needs to be involved.

Consider the tasks closest to your worker'due south pre-injury duties every bit your commencement option.

Duties tin exist offered in any of the post-obit ways:

  • the same chore with different hours
  • modified duties
  • a different job altogether
  • at the same or different workplace
  • a combination of these options.

When identifying suitable work options proceed the following points in mind:

Physical demands

Consider the physical demands of each task. For instance, changing a tyre might require continuing, repetitive bending, twisting of the trunk and lifting and pulling heavy loads, while data entry may require prolonged sitting, prolonged and repetitive keying and sustained neck postures.

Compare these demands with the doctor's cess of your worker's capacity equally described on their NSW workers compensation certificate of chapters. Changing the schedule of work tasks or temporarily incorporating more rest periods in jobs are means of accommodating the physical demands of the chore.

Psychological, cognitive and social demands

Consider the impacts of the injury, any medication your worker may exist taking, and the bounty process on your worker'south power to manage the psychological, cognitive and/or social demands of the duties you are offering.

Work environment

Consider whether the environment your worker is returning to is appropriate. Confined spaces, uneven surfaces or working alone may touch on your worker's power to undertake specific tasks.

Risk direction

Consider tasks you can eliminate or substitute to reduce the chance of further injury and protect the health and safety of the worker and their co-workers.


If the duties identified fall outside what would be considered usual duties, consider whether your worker requires data, training or instruction to be able to complete the duties safely.

Psychosocial factors

Consider how the worker's personal circumstances influence their recovery at piece of work, particularly if duties are offered at a different work site. Find out where they live and consider whether this creates difficulties getting to and from work. They may require travel assist to assist them recover at work.

Contributing to the workplace

Do the duties add value to the workplace? Duties that do non add value may crusade your worker to become unmotivated. They could also lead to discontent among co-workers who may perceive the worker is not pulling their weight.

Modifying the workplace

Consider aspects of the job your worker can perform within their current chapters and explore whether they may exist able to perform some or all of their normal duties with assistance.

This could include the utilise of equipment or modifications to the work environment. For example providing a chair to a worker with an talocrural joint injury, who would normally stand, will enable your worker to have a break from standing for long periods while withal performing their usual job.

Funding for equipment and/or workplace modifications is provided where it is necessary to allow the worker to recover at work, or to accept an offer of suitable employment. The equipment or workplace modification may be specific to your worker'southward functional requirements or necessary to start a new work role. The cost of the equipment and/or workplace modification is funded by SIRA and is non considered a claims cost.

There is no minimum or maximum set up payment withal the worker must meet the eligibility criteria and the application must meet the principles described in the SIRA equipment and workplace modifications program guidance fabric.

Assistance identifying suitable work options: workplace assessment

If you lot are having difficulties identifying duties in your workplace to accommodate your worker's current chapters, a workplace assessment can be arranged by your insurer.

A workplace assessment involves an approved workplace rehabilitation provider assessing your worker every bit they perform a range of duties and determining their capacity to perform the duties safely.

The workplace assessment findings are discussed with you, the doctor and the worker to assist you develop an advisable recover at work plan.

Y'all should speak with your insurer if you call back y'all crave a workplace assessment.

Overcoming a lack of available duties: work trial

If you lot are unable to identify suitable work options that friction match your worker's electric current capacity, a piece of work trial tin can help overcome the trouble.

A work trial places a worker with a host employer for a curt flow of time when the pre-injury employer is unable to arrange their current capacity.

The work trial is an opportunity for your worker to recover at work while performing duties suited to their current capacity. Duties tin be upgraded over a period of fourth dimension (no longer than 12 weeks) until the worker reaches the required capacity to return to your business.

An approved workplace rehabilitation provider will help you to source a piece of work trial host and submit a proposal.

Work trials are funded by SIRA and are non a claims cost. For boosted information see our work trial guidance cloth.

There are financial incentives and support programs to assist you help your worker to recover at work.

Demonstrating a lack of bachelor duties

If you believe you cannot meet your legal obligations to provide suitable employment, you lot will need to show why. At a minimum, yous should be able to:

  • show who yous consulted with (such as your worker, supervisor, other workplace manager, approved rehabilitation provider)
  • show that you carried out an adequate assessment of suitable or pre-injury work options
  • identify factors you believe are restricting your power to provide suitable or pre-injury employment
  • identify assistance you have sought, for instance, from your insurer and/or an approved workplace rehabilitation provider.

A lack of available duties does not remove your obligation to actively participate in the recover at piece of work planning process. It is important for the worker to stay active and, therefore, disquisitional that alternate work options or strategies are identified.

Ways to influence recovery at work

For well-nigh people with a piece of work-related injury, time off work is not medically necessary. In many cases, with minor and temporary task modifications, your worker tin recover at work. Consider the post-obit factors that can influence a worker's recovery at work:


Work provides valuable benefits including social interaction, chore satisfaction, skill development and learning opportunities. It plays an important office in maintaining a worker's usual routine. Talking to your worker near these benefits may encourage them to resume normal activities and routines then they tin recover sooner.


If a worker is unable to perform their usual work hours, they may be eligible to receive weekly bounty payments. These payments permit workers to focus on their recovery and are structured to encourage timely recovery at work.


Inquiry shows good communication throughout the recover at work procedure is critical to achieving a successful result. If a breakup in communication occurs or you foresee a risk to your worker recovering at work, consider requesting help equally soon as possible. Y'all tin do this either by discussing your concerns with your insurer or contacting our Client Service Centre on thirteen x fifty.


Sometimes the actions and behaviours of co-workers tin can accept a negative impact on a worker'southward recovery at piece of work. Information technology is of import to manage expectations by keeping co-workers informed while maintaining confidentiality and putting advisable measures in place to prevent and manage unhelpful and inappropriate behaviours.

Beliefs nigh pain

Enquiry shows that when recovering at piece of work, an increase in hurting does not always equate to additional impairment to the injury or a worsening of the condition. Some increment in pain is to be expected. However, your worker may believe their pain is harmful and may avoid activities they look to be painful.

Conflict can occur when y'all identify opportunities to help your worker to recover at work and your worker perceives your action as uncaring because they believe they are unwell. You may want to help your worker get back to a normal everyday life that includes work but your worker may believe they should rest at home until they are 100 per cent fit.

When addressing these bug, it is crucial y'all remain supportive. Propose your worker to discuss their concerns about the impact of their duties on their pain with their doctor. You tin can likewise seek assistance from an approved workplace rehabilitation provider.

Flare ups

You lot and your worker may have concerns virtually the possibility of re-injury or aggravation of the existing injury during the implementation of your recover at work plan. It is best to get-go your recover at work planning early, and gradually and consistently increasing your worker's activity over time. This arroyo has been shown to reduce the run a risk of re-injury or progression to a chronic pain condition.

Footstep four: Developing your worker's plan

Tailored planning is essential to a successful work event for both yous and your worker.

Developing the program

Recover at work involves adjusting your worker's duties to match their capacity for work. It tin exist a gradual procedure where your worker returns to modified duties or reduced hours to accommodate their injury.

Your worker'southward recover at piece of work plan should focus on what your worker can exercise rather than what they cannot. Every bit the employer, your role in the support team is to identify suitable tasks and duties, while the dr.'s function is to identify your worker'south physical capabilities.

When developing a recover at work program ensure y'all:

  • give your worker the opportunity to participate in its development
  • depict the programme in writing (download the recover at piece of work planning tool to aid y'all exercise this)
  • talk to your worker about who will receive a re-create of the plan and what injury management data should be shared with co-workers
  • provide copies of the plan to the worker and the physician
  • provide the worker with written documentation of whatsoever changes fabricated to the plan.

It is good practice to:

  • keep a re-create of the plan for yourself and give copies to the worker's line manager and your insurer
  • inform line managers and co-workers (if required) of the program'southward content
  • monitor your worker's progress against the plan
  • update the plan when the worker's medical restrictions alter or if at that place is a change in the workplace that impacts the plan.

What to include in the program

A template is bachelor on our website or you lot can develop your own. The programme should include the following information:

Recover at work goal

Your worker's recover at piece of work goal needs to be clear to ensure everyone is working towards a common objective. Run across 'Setting your worker'southward recover at work goal' in Stride 3 for more data.

Your worker's diagnosis, capacity and restrictions

Include your worker's diagnosis, capacity for piece of work and any restrictions specified in the certificate of capacity. If this information is unclear, contact the physician and ask for clarification. If y'all are unable to speak to the doctor straight, provide your worker with a letter of the alphabet to give to the dr. at their adjacent appointment.

Handling and/or rehabilitation arrangements

Include the number, frequency and agreed times of whatever current and/or planned treatment or rehabilitation. Handling engagement arrangements will be dependent on the availability of handling providers and the individual circumstances of the worker.

Available duties and hours to exist worked

Betoken duties identified in consultation with the worker. Include whatsoever workplace modifications that may be necessary and how they are to be arranged. Meet 'Identifying suitable work options' in Step 3 for more information.

Supervisor arrangements

You lot may need to nominate a supervisor to ensure the worker works within the capacity specified by the medico. Details of these arrangements should exist described within the program.

Review appointment

Regularly monitoring the plan for progress, effectiveness and updates, helps support your worker. It also ensures arrangements are consistent with their work capacity and facilitates whatever adjustments that are required. It is recommended that you note whatsoever review dates specified by the doc on the certificate of capacity.

Contact details

List the contact details of the back up squad within the plan.


You and your worker must indicate (either in writing or verbally) your understanding regarding the duties identified in the recover at work plan. While in that location is no requirement for others to concur to the program, providing a re-create to members of the support team will assist continue everyone updated.

Supplementary data

As the recover at piece of work programme is used by a range of people it is helpful to include information about:

  • the roles and responsibilities of people involved in the process such as supervisors, managers, render to work coordinator and co-workers
  • the process for handling concerns or disputes
  • the process for disclosing information
  • any boosted support that helps ensure a successful recovery at work.

Preparing colleagues for your worker's return

Feeling nervous or worried well-nigh returning to piece of work is normal for a worker who has been off work for a period of fourth dimension. Appropriate encouragement and support for your worker when they are returning and/or recovering at work is important. Information technology is likewise of import to make sure all staff dealing with your worker:

  • know the date their colleague is coming back to work
  • have a copy of the recover at piece of work programme (where appropriate)
  • are aware of their of import role in supporting the worker through the procedure.

Monitoring and upgrading the program

As your worker recovers, their capacity for duties at piece of work volition increase. You can gradually upgrade the plan by:

  • increasing the hours of work
  • reducing the number or length of residuum breaks
  • reducing assistance to the worker to complete tasks
  • requiring the worker to perform more piece of work in the same time period (increasing the piece of work pace)
  • introducing new duties that allow increased physical or functional demand.

Reviewing your plan

Regular plan reviews ensure your worker'south recovery progresses. Progress can be monitored and reviewed both formally and informally.

Updating your plan

Over fourth dimension, every bit your worker'southward capacity increases, yous volition need to update the recover at work plan. Each version of the plan should depict the gradual updates to your worker'due south duties and reflect their electric current capacity. The program must reflect all changes, fifty-fifty minor ones.

When creating a new version, consulting with your worker and seeking their understanding volition promote ongoing commitment to the goal.

Provide a copy of the new version to your worker.

It is likewise practiced practice to:

  • number each program and so everyone involved knows which is the electric current version, for instance Plan No. 1, Program No. ii
  • provide copies of the revised program to the worker's line manager
  • consider the demand to organise a case conference with your worker and their doctor if agreement betwixt you and your worker cannot be reached
  • ensure changes to the plan are focused on achieving progress towards the agreed outcome.

What to do if the recover at piece of work plan is non working

Weekly monitoring volition aid you identify early on if the programme is not working. Deed quickly to identify the problem, discuss it with your insurer and the doc and consider strategies that could be implemented such as:

  • referral to an canonical workplace rehabilitation provider (if not yet involved)
  • a workplace cess to review the worker's chapters and/or identify additional duties to back up upgrades in chapters
  • provision of equipment or workplace modifications.

Concur to the most appropriate strategy together and update the recover at work plan, ensuring it is distributed to all the people involved in your worker's recovery process.


Farther information

More information well-nigh workers compensation is available on our website.

For all enquiries about workers bounty claims, workers compensation insurance and work health and safety matters, you tin can phone us on thirteen ten fifty.

If you have whatsoever issues about your worker's claim:

  • Contact your insurer get-go. They will exist with your worker's circumstances and trained to take action and/or escalate your concerns.
  • If you have raised an issue with the insurer and are dissatisfied with the outcome or decision, you tin can contact our Customer Service Centre on xiii 10 50.
  • If farther action is required and we are unable to assist, we will explain your options. Depending on the nature of your concern or complaint y'all may seek assistance from:
    • Personal Injury Commission
    • NSW Ombudsman


  1. Penalties apply if an employer does not take out workers bounty insurance.
  2. Penalties may apply if you fail to do this.
  3. Penalties apply if y'all do not comply with this obligation.


Source: https://www.sira.nsw.gov.au/resources-library/workers-compensation-resources/publications/workers-compensation-policies/workers-compensation-guide-for-employers

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