A teenage male child is suing an abortion clinic for terminating his girlfriend's pregnancy without his consent, according to reports.

A judge has immune Ryan Magers, 19, to sue on behalf of the foetus in what his lawyer claimed is one of the first cases of its kind.

"Infant Roe" is named equally a plaintiff in the lawsuit which Magers took out against the Alabama Women's Center for Reproductive Alternatives.

His now ex-girlfriend got a medicated abortion against his wishes at the clinic in February 2017 when she was six weeks meaning, according to legal papers filed in the example, Play a joke on News reported.

The case, involving a girl who reports say was 16 when she became pregnant to Magers, then aged 19 and unemployed, has alarmed pro-selection campaigners.

The case is set to go a flash-betoken in the controversial abortion issue that continues to dominate political argue in the United states of america.

Abortion remains a key battleground in United states politics [file paradigm] (


Getty Images)

Pro-choice activists fear a conservative majority on the US Supreme Court could see the landmark Roe v. Wade determination that enshrined women'due south admission to ballgame struck downwardly.

Trick reported that Magers was able to file the lawsuit because voters in Alabama, a conservative state, had passed an amendment to its constitution to recognise the personhood of a foetus months before.

"Babe Roe's innocent life was taken by the profiteering of the Alabama Women's Center and while no court will exist able to bring Baby Roe back to life, we will seek the fullest extent of justice on behalf of Babe Roe and Babe Roe'due south begetter," Attorney Brent Helms said of Magers' case in a statement reported past Flim-flam.

He said the case was ready to break legal footing, calling for "consistency" in Alabama: "Either nosotros fully acknowledge the personhood of the unborn or nosotros cerise pick which innocents nosotros protect and which ones we trash for profit."

The Washington Mail service reported that the girl was 16 when she became pregnant.

Speaking anonymously to the newspaper to protect his daughter'due south privacy, her father said the family is "distraught" over the lawsuit.

He claimed Magers was xix and unemployed when they discovered she was pregnant, and the relationship has ended.

US media is reporting ballgame rights groups are alarmed [file epitome] (


Getty Images/iStockphoto)

"We had a long give-and-take over what she was going to do when she got pregnant. And we said nosotros would support her either way," he told the Post.

"They weren't married, and I felt legally information technology was her right to make that decision."

The lawsuit was reportedly filed by Personhood Alabama and praised by pro-life foyer groups, including the Personhood Brotherhood, as other Republican states look set to try to follow its arrange.

However like attempts to apply the legal concept of identity for an embryo in the US courts accept non been lucent, equally the high profile instance involving Modern Family unit star Sophia Vergara revealed.

The actress has been locked in a dragging legal battle for years with her ex Nick Loeb over two embryos the couple froze in case they needed them for fertility treatment in the future.

The Alabama Women's Centre is reportedly preparing to fight the instance [file epitome] (


Getty Images/iStockphoto)

She is remarried and wants the embryos destroyed, but Loeb, who has even named the cell clusters 'Emma' and 'Isabella', wants to keep them. The lawsuit has connected in Louisiana without resolution.

NARAL Pro-Choice America president Ilyse Hogue chosen the latest lawsuit "scary" in a tweet on Tuesday, writing: "First under Alabama's new personhood law, asserting woman'due south rights tertiary in line. Very scary instance."

Usa media is reporting abortion rights groups are alarmed because it is the first case in the state naming an unborn foetus as a person in the lawsuit.

Activists view the moves as an attempt to recognise embryos and foetuses every bit separate from the women who carry them.

They fear the judge allowing Magers to name the foetus equally a co-plaintiff in the suit for wrongful death will open the floodgates to similar cases.

Campaigners say information technology presents a worrying management, after cases of the concept being used to charge women of abuse or punish mothers who choose their ain birth plans against doctors' advice emerged, the Post reported.

In one case, a mother lost custody of her child when she delivered her baby by vaginal birth instead of the C-section her doctors had insisted upon.

In others, pregnant woman who had miscarriages afterwards drinking  alcohol or took drugs - including prescription drugs - have been defendant of child abuse.

The Alabama Women'south Centre is reportedly preparing to fight the instance, which it chosen "unprecedented", the Post said.