What Song Is Playing on the Video Until We Meet Again at the Rainbow Bridge Rip Loki

Losing a pet is 1 of the almost hard experiences in life. A pet can be your life companion and your best friend, and saying farewell is never easy. And just like we have euphemisms for death when it comes to human beings, in that location are death euphemisms near pet deaths. One of those euphemisms is the Rainbow Span.

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • What is the 'Rainbow Span'?
  • Where Does the 'Rainbow Bridge Come From?
  • 5 Other Places You'll See the 'Rainbow Bridge'

If yous've e'er lost a beloved pet, y'all might have heard of the fabled Rainbow Bridge. The poem called "The Rainbow Span," or verses from it, shows upwards in condolence cards for grieving pet owners, as well as books virtually losing a pet . You might even see "The Rainbow Bridge" hanging up in your veterinarian's role.

The concept of the Rainbow Span is helpful in coping with the death of a pet and education children nearly death when a pet passes away. But what exactly does it mean to "cross the Rainbow Bridge?"

What is the 'Rainbow Bridge'?

What is the rainbow bridge image

The Rainbow Bridge is a euphemism for death. It represents a passageway from this life to the afterlife, over a mythical bridge of vibrant colors. Simply the Rainbow Bridge is unique as a death euphemism because it relates to pets and pet owners, specifically.

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge

According to Rainbow Bridge lore, "Rainbow Bridge" is the name of a mythical meadow, likewise as a span to the other side. Here's how it works.

When a pet dies, they become straight to the land of the Rainbow Bridge. There, they observe what'southward essentially pet heaven, complete with acres of open up country to run and play, and plenty of sunshine, food, and water. Rainbow Bridge also has magical qualities: sick or injured animals return to total health and vitality upon inflow at the Rainbow Span.

The pets at Rainbow Bridge play together in the sunshine until each of their owners comes to claim them when the owners themselves pass away. At Rainbow Bridge, the souls of pets and their owners finally reunite and "cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted once more." Then the pet and possessor cross the prismatic pathway known equally the Rainbow Bridge, together, into the afterlife.

Value of the Rainbow Span

Anyone who's lost a pet knows merely how hard it is to say cheerio. In life, nosotros never leave our pets alone for as well long. They rely on us, and we rely on them. Then being away from them permanently later they pass abroad is an impossible concept to grasp.

The idea of the Rainbow Bridge—an intermediate afterlife where our pets happily frolic until we join them—can bring immense comfort. We can imagine our pets living "in a ameliorate place," as we and then oft do when a human in our lives passes away. And we can observe solace in the thought that one day, we'll finally join our beloved pets and walk with them over the Rainbow Bridge.

The Rainbow Span too offers an eloquent reply to the question: "Where practice pets go when they die?" Children often inquire this difficult question when they lose a pet for the first time. And adults too wonder where their pet's soul goes after death. The Rainbow Span provides an respond (whether you take information technology literally or metaphorically) for children and adults, alike.

Where Does the 'Rainbow Span Come From?

Where does the rainbow bridge come from image

The idea of the Rainbow Bridge, and all of its lore, comes from i of several poems written in the 1980s. Several authors claim to accept written the original version of "The Rainbow Bridge," and the truthful origin of the term "Rainbow Span" remains unknown.

Merely i thing is certain: always since it popped into existence, "The Rainbow Span" has inspired and consoled pet owners and pet professionals on a nearly universal level.

Versions of "The Rainbow Bridge"

Only every bit any work with unknown origins does when information technology reaches the public, "The Rainbow Span" has evolved over fourth dimension. You lot can observe many different versions of the poem, with verses tweaked towards veterinary intendance, children, or simply according to someone's preferences.

This prose poem by Paul C. Dahm is one of the most popular versions of the verse form, and many consider information technology the original.

The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of sky is a place chosen Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially shut to someone hither, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

At that place are meadows and hills for all of our special friends then they can run and play together.

At that place is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and quondam are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are fabricated whole and strong again, just as nosotros remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for 1 pocket-size thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to exist left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His vivid optics are intent; His eager torso quivers.

Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the light-green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when y'all and your special friend finally meet, you lot cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your easily once more caress the beloved head, and you expect over again into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your eye.

And so you cantankerous Rainbow Span together...

Where yous'll come across "The Rainbow Bridge"

Art prints featuring the poem quickly became become-to decals for veterinary offices everywhere. It appears in books most coping with pet decease, and you tin can even notice lines from the verse form on pet headstones.

Information technology'south articulate that the poem, with its imagery of a pet afterlife and reuniting with departed pets, resonates with people from all walks of life.

v Other Places You'll See the 'Rainbow Bridge'

If you desire to explore the idea of the Rainbow Bridge, you tin can find it (or similar euphemisms and images) referenced in the works below.

1. The Rainbow Bridge: A Visit to Pet Paradise

This children's picture volume by Adrian Raeside brings the Rainbow Bridge to life with colorful characters. If your family has lost a dearest pet, a volume like this might help your children empathize where their furry friend went.

2. Beautiful Joe's Paradise

Some people believe the idea of a Rainbow Bridge came from a book called Beautiful Joe'south Paradise past Marshall Saunders. Published in 1902, the novel doesn't include the phrase, "Rainbow Bridge." But it does draw a lush paradise where animals observe themselves afterwards death. Instead of crossing over a colorful bridge, pets ultimately travel to heaven by balloon.

3. Rainbow Bridge Fine Art Prints and Sympathy Cards

In 1998, Steve and Diane Bodofsky, a couple who operated a ferret rescue, published their own, rhyming version of "The Rainbow Bridge." Information technology was and so successful that they went on to partner with a graphic designer to create Rainbow Bridge Fine Art Prints and Rainbow Span Sympathy Cards.

They created many of the condolence cards and prints, with the updated version of "The Rainbow Span," which unremarkably appear in vet offices today.

4. Rainbow Span Memorials

Inspired by the idea of the Rainbow Bridge, creators and studios at present create pet memorials in rainbow designs. They include multicolor windchimes, memorial plaques printed with a version of "The Rainbow Bridge," and more.

5. Norse Mythology

Another probable source of the Rainbow Bridge concept is Norse mythology. The Norse mythological Bifrost Bridge was described equally a burning rainbow bridge between Earth (Midgard) and the realm of the gods (Asgard).

So if you lot want to learn more about the Rainbow Bridge, you might want to plow to Norse myths and legends.

Grieving Pets

In the past few decades, we've started taking pet decease more seriously as a source of grief. Recent studies show that losing a pet results in the aforementioned type of grief as losing a family member or friend. No matter who y'all've lost, whether pet or homo, grief often looks and feels much the same.

Poems like "The Rainbow Bridge," and like resources, demonstrate the increased attending towards pet decease. Although it first appeared in the 1980s, its apply has grown over the past decade, and pet-lovers continue to detect solace in its message.

If you lot're looking for more ideas to think your pet, read our guides on turning pet ashes into diamonds and the best pet loss quotes to assistance y'all through.


  1. "Rainbow Span." Argus Establish ( Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital). csu-cvmbs.colostate.edu/Documents/argus-2011-02-verse-rainbow-bridge.pdf
  2. Adrian, Julian Ann Luiz & Stitt, Alexander. "Pet Loss, Complicated Grief, and Mail service-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Hawaii." Anthrozoos. ix February 2017. www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/ten.1080/08927936.2017.1270598


Source: https://www.joincake.com/blog/rainbow-bridge/

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